Saturday, March 5, 2016

0 Hal Aneh Tentang Miss V (Yang Sering Bikin Panik)

Sering merasa ada yang aneh dengan miss V, tapi terlalu risih untuk menanyakannya pada wanita lain, bahkan ibu sekalipun. Benar? Tenang, siapa tahu memang hal itu wajar terjadi pada miss V. Bayangkan, di dunia ini separuh penghuninya memiliki miss V. Dan jika setiap wajah diciptakan berbeda, rasanya akan sangat wajar jika setiap miss V memiliki kondisi yang berbeda, bukan? Enam hal yang kamu anggap aneh atau unik tentang miss V berikut ini sebenarnya wajar kok

Ada Yang Ganjil Pada Bentuknya

Pernahkah kamu memperhatikan bentuk miss V? Jika belum, coba ambil cermin dan perhatikan. Mungkin akan ada bagian yang tidak seimbang, sedikit berkerut, atau berbagai kondisi lainnya. Apalagi jika kamu bandingkan dengan miss V lain yang pernah kamu lihat. Dan itu semua normal, jangan khawatir.

Ada Banyak (atau Sedikit) Bulu Miss V

Beberapa wanita akan memiliki bulu miss V yang lebih banyak dibanding wanita lain. Dan tidak ada yang salah dengan itu. Kamu bisa melakukan apa yang kamu suka terhadapnya. Jika lebih suka dicukur, cukurlah. Jika tidak nyaman dengan pisau cukur, dibiarkan pun tak masalah.


Kan ada kelenjar keringat juga di sana. Jadi meskipun kamu tidak sedang berolahraga, wajar kok jika miss V berkeringat. Celana dalam dengan bahan katun akan membuat miss V jauh lebih kering dibanding yang terbuat dari bahan sutra atau nylon. Atau kamu juga bisa menjaga miss V tetap kering dengan memakai pantyliner, dengan catatan jangan lupa menggantinya secara teratur ya.


Miss V punya bau alami yang berbeda pada kondisi normal dan pada saat menstruasi. Dan keduanya wajar. Kecuali, jika bau terasa lebih tajam dibanding biasanya, bisa saja ada infeksi dengan miss V. Segera konsultasikan dengan dokter ya. Di luar itu, semuanya wajar, dan jangan berusaha menutupi bau alami miss V dengan wewangian atau produk pembersih miss V. Berlebihan menggunakan produk-produk tersebut justru akan membuatnya iritasi lho! Hanya mencucinya dengan air hangat tanpa sabun saat mandi saja sudah cukup kok.

Ada Sesuatu Yang Dikeluarkan

Jika kamu suka menemukan sesuatu berwarna bening, agak putih, atau agak kuning menempel pada celana dalam, itu hal yang wajar. Itu biasanya terjadi setelah miss V membersihkan dirinya sendiri. keren ya? Namun jika sesuatu itu berwarna keabuan, kehijauan, dan menggumpal, barulah itu menandakan sesuatu yang serius. Segera konsultasikan dengan dokter!

Ada Benjolan

Benjolan kecil seringkali ditemui di bibir atau di kulit sekitar miss V. Jika benjolan itu berukuran kecil atau sekedar bulu yang belum tumbuh, tidak masalah. Namun jangan lupa perhatikan juga, jangan sampai ada benjolan lain tumbuh tanpa sepengetahuan kamu ya.

Monday, February 29, 2016

0 cara mengencangkan Payudara kendur saat menyusui

Saat Anda menyusui buah hati, otomatis ukuran payudara menjadi bertambah besar. Hal ini disebabkan karena kelenjar air susu yang membesar. Walaupun terjadi secara normal, namun terkadang wanita merasa risih dengan perubahan ini. Belum lagi jika payudara mereka menjadi kendur
berikut adalah cara untuk mengencangkan kembali payudara yang membesar secara alami.

1. Minum air flaxseed

Flaxseed atau biji rami dapat menurunkan kadar estrogen. Sehingga dengan demikian membantu mengurangi ukuran payudara atau mengencangkannya. Minum biji rami sendiri juga bermanfaat untuk menurunkan berat badan Anda dan menjaga jantung agar tetap sehat. Untuk membuat air dari biji rami, Anda bisa merebusnya dan kemudian meminum air rebusan ini.
Flaxseed atau biji rami dapat menurunkan kadar estrogen. Sehingga dengan demikian membantu mengurangi ukuran payudara atau mengencangkannya. Minum biji rami sendiri juga bermanfaat untuk menurunkan berat badan Anda dan menjaga jantung agar tetap sehat. Untuk membuat air dari biji rami, Anda bisa merebusnya dan kemudian meminum air rebusan ini.

2. Olahraga

Olahraga tidak diragukan lagi dapat mengencangkan payudara Anda. Sebab olahraga akan membakar lemak yang menjadi penyebab membesarnya payudara. Beberapa jenis olahraga tertentu seperti push-up juga dapat membantu Anda dalam mengencangkan payudara.

3. Pijat

Pijatan yang Anda lakukan di payudara mampu mengurangi lemak tubuh termasuk lemak payudara. Sebab memijat payudara akan meningkatkan sirkulasi darah dan meningkatkan tingkat pembakaran lemak di payudara. Gunakan minyak zaitun atau minyak kelapa untuk melakukan pijatan payudara.

4. Hindari konsumsi makanan manis dan berlemak

Saat menyusui, Anda harus mengubah kebiasaan makan Anda. Beralihlah mengonsumsi makanan sehat. Sebab selain dapat meningkatkan kualitas ASI, menghindari konsumsi makanan yang manis dan berlemak juga dapat mengurangi tumpukan lemak di payudara yang membuat payudara membesar.

5. Perbanyak konsumsi sayur dan buah

Sayur dan buah adalah makanan yang kaya akan serat. Serat ini baik untuk membuat perut Anda agar tetap terasa penuh sehingga timbunan lemak di perut termasuk payudara akan berkurang. Hasilnya, ukuran payudara pun akan mengecil.

6. Minum teh hijau

Teh hijau adalah minuman yang kaya akan katekin. Zat alami ini membantu dalam menurunkan berat badan serta mengurangi ukuran payudara. Sebab katekin akan meningkatkan sistem metabolisme dalam tubuh sehingga lemak dapat terbakar dengan baik.

7. Minum air jahe

Jahe adalah rempah alami yang dapat meningkatkan metabolisme tubuh. Jika metabolisme dalam tubuh Anda berjalan dengan baik, maka pembakaran lemak juga bisa berlangsung dengan maksimal. Manfaat jahe ini bisa Anda dapatkan dengan minum air rebusan jahe dengan ditambahkan sedikit madu di dalamnya.

8. Pijat dengan putih telur

Selain dipijat dengan minyak, putih telur juga bisa Anda manfaatkan untuk memijat payudara agar kencang. Jangan lupa untuk membersihkan payudara setelah dipijat dengan putih telur

9. Perbanyak makan ikan

Ikan seperti salmon atau tuna sangat tinggi akan asam lemak omega 3. Lemak alami ini membantu mengurangi kadar estrogen dalam tubuh yang kemudian bermanfaat untuk mengurangi ukuran payudara.

Itulah cara yang aman dan alami untuk mengencangkan payudara. Selamat mencoba!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

0 6 Alasan Mengapa Menstruasi Menyakitkan

Hampir semua wanita pasti merasa kram atau nyeri di perut bagian bawah atau punggung ketika datang periode waktu,

namun beberapa wanita tidak hanya mengalami kram ringan dan menghilang dengan cepat ketika ditemukan penyebabnya. Tetapi beberapa wanita mungkin mengalami penyiksaan menstruasi karena rasa sakit yang tak tertahankan, dan bahkan tidak dapat berdiri kuat. Wanita mungkin mengalami menstruasi yang berat karena kondisi medis yang disebut endometriosis, dan tidak dapat diabaikan. Tapi wanita normal lainnya juga dapat mengalami menstruasi berat sesekali, dan ini adalah alasan.

berat badan

menstruasi berat dapat terjadi jika Anda menjalankan diet ketat dan berat badan turun banyak. Jika diet yang Anda jalani tidak sehat, hal itu dapat mempengaruhi perdarahan saat menstruasi. Demikian juga, jika Anda makan junk food, sebuah penelitian menunjukkan bahwa anak-anak perempuan yang makan lebih banyak junk food cenderung mengalami menstruasi berat.

Usia tua mendekati menopause

Ketika usia masih remaja, menstruasi biasanya lebih lama, tetapi karena Anda mendapatkan lebih tua, akan ada lebih banyak menstruasi teratur tetapi juga lebih pendek sampai mencapai usia 40 atau 50 tahun. Biasanya wanita akan mengalami menstruasi yang menyakitkan ketika memasuki masa sebelum menopause atau pra-menopause.

Kurang atau terlalu banyak olahraga

Kurang tidak baik, jadi jika berlebihan, serta olahraga. olahraga perempuan cenderung menderita kekurangan mens agonising otot dan lancar peredaran darah. Demikian pula, jika olahraga berlebihan, Anda mungkin tidak mengalami menstruasi selama lebih dari sebulan.


wanita gemuk obesitas biasanya mengalami menstruasi yang buruk dan kadang-kadang tidak teratur. Studi ini menemukan bahwa hal ini terjadi karena pengaruh hormonal, seperti tingkat teratur insulin dan estrogen.

obat menstruasi

Jika Anda sedang mengkonsumsi obat, sering juga mempengaruhi siklus dan perdarahan saat menstruasi, dan bahkan frekuensi kram perut. Cobalah untuk berkonsultasi dengan dokter Anda untuk berurusan dengan itu, jika tidak sesuai dengan pil, Anda dapat menggantinya.

Ada sesuatu yang salah dengan tubuh Anda

Jika semua alasan di atas tampaknya tidak memenuhi syarat sebagai nyeri saat menstruasi, mungkin Anda harus ke dokter. Karena bisa sakit disebabkan oleh tumor jinak, yang myoma (fibroid) yang tumbuh di dalam rahim, dan sebagainya. Sindrom yang disebut Sindrom ovarium polikistik juga dapat terjadi.

Yang Anda butuhkan adalah untuk mengetahui alasan di balik itu Anda mengalami nyeri haid. Kadang-kadang, alasannya cukup sederhana, seperti dehidrasi, menstruasi yang sehat selama Anda tidak menyebabkan masalah serius yang membahayakan.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

0 6 Benefits of Breastfeeding Husband Wife Breast Every Night

1. Breasts are often smoked, the balance of the cardiovascular system (heart) her femininity can be maintained.

When the guy sucks woman's breasts in a long time, the heartbeat of women increased up to 110 beats / minute. This can be a good exercise for heart health.

2. Breast Sucking can also make women more stable weight, even reduced. This is due, Breast smoked for 3 minutes can burn approximately 12 calories of fat.

3. Want to look more beautiful and charming? Then do not worry to always sucked her breasts. With smoked breast, then more than 30 facial muscles moving women, making it useful for improving blood flow in the skin, and smooth the skin.

4. During this sucking Breast considered impolite things or sounds like things dirty. But in reality sucking breasts can make a woman more youthful, is a drug that "stimulate" the immune system, the effect is the production of antibodies that can protect against viruses and diseases. This process is called cross-immunotherapy.

5. When Breast hippie, women usually breath faster. Mostly when smoked breast, women will inhale and exhale 60 times in one minute. Whereas in normal circumstances only 20 times per minute. Inhale and exhale will prevent a variety of diseases of the lungs.

6. Breast smoked more than 5 minutes will make a woman's body is more relaxed, can produce chemical chain that will destroy a variety of hormones that cause stress.

Share this knowledge to the women that you know to help them more healthy and youthful now!

0 10 way Men Make Women fall in love

What the heck do you think the charm of a man who can make a woman fall in love and could not turn away? Is it just his handsome face? Or wealth are endless?

In fact because human beings are complicated, you can fall in love with just the simple things, such as humor or self-confidence. Surely positive charm emitted by a confident man is like a magnet that can attract your heart to come closer.
Want to know more about the 10 charm a man who could captivate the ladies?

Consider the list below, as reported from The man should know loh, how to subdue the hearts of women.

10. face

His name is also the very straight with his eyes, clearly look into a strong magnet to make a woman fall in love instantly. So there's nothing wrong with a proverb from the eyes down to the heart.
Women are able to fall in love because of your appearance, you know, boys. But for you who face a mediocre do not feel inferior first. The face can not be changed, but women will also pay attention to your appearance, including cleanliness, style of dress and also your other habits.

9. A sense of humor

Women like men who can make them laugh out loud. If you do not have the look that is quite okay as Brad Pitt, you can draw the attention of the woman you prefer to give humor and funny stories. Remember, funny yes, not super crisp.
Some studies also link a person's sense of humor to the level of genius. Perhaps this is the reason women like men with a taste of humor. Because they are a genius, a genius at least win their hearts.

8. Sensitivity

What woman does not like a man who is sensitive? Moreover, this man always synonymous with nature indifferently. May ignore it if it's goal is to make her so curious. But, if you're even too indifferent to what is done by women, do not hope he would turn to you.
Given the critical days or just ask how she is also a good communication so that you are seen as a sensitive man.

7. Talent

Who would not be proud if a woman has a man full of talent? Talent What does it mean? One talent that might make a woman fall in love with you is a talent to melt her heart to give respect to him.
Talent in this case also the general meaning. For example, some women may fall in love with those who are able to play the guitar and play a romantic song. While others may prefer a man with six pack abs.


Success could mean steady. Women like a man that is well established, or at least have a clear vision of the future. This is because women are always thinking ten thousand steps further, especially for love affairs. Not that women do not want to live hard, but if he has a clear vision for its future, women will easily convinced.

5. Relationships with family

Women can fall in love with a man who categorized family man, why? For women, this is an indicator that you are very fond of your family sincerely. By doing so, she would think that would be a good idea if he had a family of his own with you. Remember, women are always thinking ten thousand steps ahead.

So, if you want to attract the attention of a woman, be good to your family. Women will quickly notice that you know

4. Smart

Smart does not mean you have to be the number one in the classroom or in the office. Intelligent here is when you can solve the problem in a marvelous way and also have extensive knowledge. So she is not afraid to ask the opinion of you even talk about a lot of things with.
Women usually like to spend a lot of time to chat much. So, to be able to attract a woman, you are required intelligent in every way.

3.take an interest in

Women always want to be appreciated, therefore learn to show some attention to him. He will be amazed by how you treat it, you know. For example, by intentionally protect it while walking around. He will be the guardian to be on the side of the road to cover you from danger.

Some of the treatments that he aroused may also make them fall in love with you. For example, always giving space and opportunity to issue his opinion rather than selfish desires will make him feel very appreciated.

2. intercommunication

Women always want to know where you hang out and who your friends. He will even fall in love really with you when you introduce him to your friends. For women, it is an award that is important you know. That is, you trust him to know who else is near you.

1. Confidence

Who would not be proud to have a partner who is confident? This would enable women also become self-confident. Not that they were always minder will not get a partner, only if you have the confidence that is supported by the attitude, then the woman will be difficult to resist your charm. But also do not be too confident, because women can ilfeel and even away.

0 4 Ways To Get Ideal Lover In Short Time

Everyone of course wants you to love life can be filled with a figure beloved appropriate and in accordance with the criteria. However, when you have such understanding, be rational and pay attention to the quality of self becomes an important thing to find a beloved figure as you want
However, if you can quickly boyfriend, there are some surefire ways to find the ideal male figure you want. There are five surefire way to find your ideal lover figure in a short time. Here are five ways that question, among others:

1. Be Yourself

Be yourself it can be an important gesture that will make it easier to get a girlfriend. Based on the results of the study, when men see a woman who can be herself in appearance or communicating with him, then that attitude can be a natural appeal that can make a man be attracted to him. So that later you can have a lover who can accept you with what it is. Naturally so, you can be more easily get a male figure that you desire in your love life.

2. Failure forget the love story Ago

Not a few women who are stuck in a past love life with the former, so that such a case it just makes it more difficult to move on and will close peliuang him to find a new love. Therefore, when you are in these conditions, the failure of a relationship you are then later can be a rewarding experience for you that will make you become more mature in living relationship with her lover in the future and also opens up your opportunities to meet with the man who you desire.

3. Have a Hobby

One thing that also can be a woman's appeal to find a lover that is by hobby. When you have a hobby or a passion, not only make you meet new people, especially cross beam types, but when men see women who have a hobby, then men will judge you as the woman is unique and different from most women in general who just spends his time with all the activities that are not productive.

4. Determining Criteria

Each person must have the criteria to figure lover craved. By determining your criteria also would be lebihmudah determine the character or the figure of a man like what you want to present in your love life will be. When you have met with the figure of a man you desire, then the instinctive satisfaction you will bring your relationship to a more lasting and durable future.

0 6 Secrets of the Hidden Greatest Women of Men

Women have always had a secret that is often hidden from the man, so that there is a term that emerged from men who say that women are mysterious creatures that are difficult to guess the contents of his heart and mind. Habits woman like this will continue even after getting married and having a husband. Basically, every woman wants to be understood by a partner under any circumstances. Why is that? Because the woman is the figure of the meek and very sensitive in all matters, especially related to couples and families. Often a woman always wears feelings before acting, while the opposite, he always uses the mind or logic before acting. This is what often makes women prefer to remain silent and only harbored in the hearts of grievances experienced.

What secrets are often hidden women of their partner? Here are 6 secrets!

1. Women actually want a more active partner

Many women can perform multiple tasks at once without the help of anybody. If you want to compare women and men have equal responsibility. If a man works for a living, women take care of the house, cooking, maintaining and taking care of children, even women can work and do all these things. But even so, most women deep down always want a partner who is more active and have the initiative in all things. But not all couples or men can understand this.

2. Women actually save the fear of losing

Woman is actually very simple creatures fragile when facing a problem but often times women always hide this weakness by pretending to be strong as if it did not have any problems. Although the couple's relationship is fine, every woman always keep the fear of losing. Most women being indifferent and seemed to show from the outside that their partners or men who need it when in fact these women just cover her fear.

3. She really wants to be persuaded when angry

When he was angry because his partner made a mistake, most women will silence one language or burble-burble endlessly like a seagull. In these circumstances she really just wanted to persuasion, and want to hear the words "sorry", "I'm sorry" or "I love you" from her partner. When he persuaded the woman, the woman's heart would feel to fly and anger that was gnawing be lost in an instant.

4. Women actually really like to be praised

When she does something good for the couple, she really is expecting a compliment from her partner. Not that every effort made women insincere because it expects in return that praise, but this is one way that can make a woman more courage in doing something for the sake of his loved ones. For example, when a woman cooking a meal for her partner, she is expecting a compliment from the pair like, "So good you are cooking!" or "Thank you for the food that is tasty". These simple words will positively impact women more courage to please their partner.

5. Women can actually read gestures

Every woman is not only sensitive to the couple, the woman can also read their partner's body motion. Well when the couple was having problems or lying, the woman can judge just by looking at their partner's body motion. As a man or husband, you should always keep this in mind and strive to always be open to women, because although women silent and only harbored does not mean she does not know any couple that loves behavior.

6. She really likes surprises

Every women like pleasant surprises. Often women have given signs when expecting a surprise from their spouse, for example, spontaneous woman will say to his partner, "A very nice place for a vacation well" or "very romantic restaurant and yes to dinner together." Men, you should be more sensitive to this, because in fact that's the code from your partner that you expect him or whims. Pleasant surprises can make a woman happy and feel pampered.

Monday, February 22, 2016

0 Pubic lice Recognize That Endangers Miss V

Pubic lice have very small, so it can be easy to live in intimate and breed there. but apparently not the only creatures that can damage the health of the vagina, there are several other types of microorganisms that can make it uncomfortable vital organs.
The cause of the emergence of various creatures that bullies can of clean living habits that are not applied, contracted from other sufferers, also of poor sanitation around the patient. Any kind of creature that bullies? The following are some of them as reported by Web page:

yeast infection

Vaginal yeast infection arising from Ph imbalance in the vaginal area, so that the yeast grows more fertile. He will cause irritation in the area of the vagina, itching, odor and discomfort. The emergence of this microorganism is not triggered by sexually transmitted diseases. You can heal by restoring normal Ph MissV.

Gonorrhea / gonorrhea

The microorganism that causes the disease, is transmitted through sexual intercourse. Name of the bacteria is gonorrhea, which triggers vaginal discharge, burning during bowel movements, and inflammation. In severe conditions he will cause pus, pelvic inflammation, even sterile.

vaginal infection

an infection caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses, or other. These infections cause inflammation in the vaginal area, or vulva. But do not worry because a simple treatment can cure.


This is a disease that is triggered by a parasite trichomoniasis, which makes the vagina to experience severe vaginal discharge. He spread through sexual contact, thereby including sexually transmitted diseases. Color mucus experienced by sufferers are greenish yellow or greenish.

Disease due to these microorganisms can be treated with the usual antibiotics or some other drugs from the doctor.

0 Guess Personality With Your Spouse How He Uses Bra

1. Wear a bra with associate at the front first and then play it backwards

Women who wear bras with associate at the front first and then play it back to show that this woman is a woman of influence in the family or the environment. They are the type of people who like valued, supported and they are happy to be able to adjust to everything. They are also the women who are able to adjust to various roles as a wife, a mother or a career woman.
The personality of the women who used to wear a bra in this way is usually the person who is practical and efficient in terms of time. Patti reveal if a woman of this type is usually also a loving woman, like with the things that make her look beautiful, graceful and elegant. They are also someone who is fairly simple but still emphasizes comfort and attractive appearance.

In contrast to the personality of the woman at the top of a very happy if given support, the personality of the woman wearing a bra with the strap hooked behind it are very pleased and excited to provide support to people in the vicinity.

They are also known as a woman who has a good personality, social spirit is high, readily familiar with the people around him and were able to prepare everything carefully. They are also said to be women who still likes to follow the tradition. Even so, they are women who are patient and able to face everything well.

2. Wearing Bra Linkages At Home

Studies indicate if there are some women who prefer to wear a bra with ties at the front. Typically, the linkage is in front of this is right in the middle of the bra. Women who like a bra with a hook at the front is the kind of woman who does not like with everything complicated. They are also the women who do not like to waste the opportunity.
In fact, this type of woman is a woman who is fairly efficient, smart, think well and analyze it carefully before deciding anything. They also like all things valuable, luxurious elegance as well.

3. Wearing Bra With Linking Over the past Then Enter Through Overhead

Wearing a bra with hooked first and then enter through the top of the head is a way that is quite unique. But make no mistake ladies, women who wear bras in this way it is women who are perfectionist and meticulous.

They are also known as an independent woman, is simple and does not hesitate to do everything on your own as long as he was able. He was also the women who do not like being the center of attention. Not surprisingly, these women sometimes look closed and quite quiet.

That's the personality of a woman seen from the way they wear a bra. Even so, of course, you can not judge someone just this way. There are many other factors that would also greatly affect a person's personality. And the determining factor for one's own personality is genetic and environmental factors.

0 the importance of conducting regular sex

Have you heard or read a scientific study that sex has khasit cure? This is not just a figment. Sex is done in a healthy, properly, and in order to recover your body and mind and prevent a variety of diseases timbulknya. Some observers even say, sex is a drug that takes people and is recommended to be done every day. Let's look at four reasons why you should have sex on a regular basis, especially for a man.

1.physical training

Having sex is a form of physical activity. You should be aware that by having sex, the breathing rate will increase. If you have sex three times a week for 15 minutes, then you have to burn about 7,500 calories in a year. That is equivalent to jogging as far as 75 miles. Heavy breathing will increase the amount of oxygen in your cells and testosterone production during intercourse makes bones and muscles stronger.

2. overcome pain

Feeling fit and headaches, can not be the reason for you not to have intercourse. During sex, both male and female bodies produce endorphins, hormones that act as painkillers. A study conducted by Gina Ogden showed that sexual stimulation, especially during orgasm make a person unable to feel pain. In women, sex can also increase fertility, postpone the menopause and relieve the symptoms of Infectious Diseases Sex.

3. protect prostate

Most of sperm in the ejaculate fluid secreted by the prostate gland. If you stop ejaculating, the fluid will remain in the gland, triggering swelling. Regular ejaculation will drain the fluid out and ensure the health of your prostate until old age.

4. Prevent Erectile Dysfunction

50% of men over the age of 40 years suffer from erectile dysfunction. Sex is the best medicine against impotence. Erection will keep the blood flowing through the arteries in the penis so that it stays healthy tissue.

5. preventing stress

Scientific facts show sex can be a very effective way to reduce stress levels. During sex, your body produces dopamine (substances that fight stress hormone), endorphins, aka "happiness hormones" and oxytocin.


Beautiful breasts are breasts healthy, strong and supple. yukk guard and take care of your breasts
For women, the breast is very important on the part of his body, his future in addition to breastfeeding, the breast is also sometimes used to attract the opposite sex. All women would want that ideal breast shape according to each one, because then the woman's self confidence will increase.

But not infrequently encountered many women who complained about her breasts. Because, they have sagging breasts alias is not tight. Many factors cause women's breasts to sag, such as:

1. Age

The increasing age of a woman, the firmness, suppleness and elasticity of breast also will come down on his own. Age is a natural factor that makes a woman's breasts to sag. This is due to the shrinking of the mammary gland that causes the empty space in the air wrapping.

2. Using The Wrong Bra

Bra became one of the causes of breast engorgement due to the selection and use of the wrong bra. This is sometimes taken for granted for some women, but it is very important to do to prevent your breasts to sag at a young age.

3. Diet too tight

Clinical Professor of Obstetrics, Mary Jane Minkin Mentioning that, the faster you lose weight, through diet, the sooner your breasts will sag, it is because collagen elastisfitas and stress, when they break down quickly due to the wrong diet.

4. Breastfeeding

Women who have given birth and breastfeeding is a cause of breast mengendornya. In pregnant women natural breast will enlarge and gain weight, and also when breast feeding the baby.

5. Position the bed

Sleeping position laterally or side also includes things that can cause breast sagging, what causes it? This is due to the lack of support for the breast when breast side sleeping so consequently attracted downward.

6. Lack of Exercise and Sport Overrated

According dr.Boyke Dian Nugraha, SpOG., MARS, Stating that the factors that cause your breasts to sag is lack of exercise and superfluous person in doing sports. Exercise should be done regularly and fit.

0 Easy Ways to Increase Breast Size Without Surgery

Many women feel less confident with their breast size are considered to be small and not sexy. Indeed, a woman's breast size in Asia is relatively small. The average cup used is 32 A and 34 B only. And most women crave larger breast size to support his appearance.

Some women are attracted to surgery to enlarge the size of her breasts. However, some women would not dare do the instant way.
This time I will present five easy tips you can do to increase the size boobs without surgery. Follow these steps.

1.Check your weight

if you hard so you have to do is raise your weight. Generally, women who have mini chest, her weight is less. In this way, you will increase the volume of the chest.

2. Find the right size bra.

Never rush when buying a bra and try to advance so as to support to the maximum and shape the breast properly. One can also choose a bra causes breast forms so not nice Ladies.

3. The breast muscles to be firmer and fuller.

You can do exercises like push ups and chest press lightweight 4 sets of 10 reps each day to get the most.

4. You could also try using makeup

Just apply eyeshadow to give the illusion of shadow breast with a larger size.

5. Lastly you can perform breast massage before bath.

The twist and lift the breasts will help make the breast fuller and not down. Perform routine with olive oil Ladies.

That was five easy tips that you can apply every day Ladies. Besides cost is also super safe way and not at such high risk surgery. Good luck



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